Institute: North Dakota
Year Established: 2023 Start Date: 2023-09-01 End Date: 2024-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $4,620 Total Non-Federal Funds: $5,798
Principal Investigators: Thomas M. DeSutter
Project Summary: Oil and gas extraction in the Williston Basin generates brine water, which contains high levels of chloride (Cl-) that can negatively affect water and soil quality after accidental brine spills, with levels exceeding the safe limit for drinking water by 757 times. Current soil remediation methods involve removing contaminated soil, but the lack of topsoil sources in the basin generate an opportunity for the exploration of in-situ remediation strategies that preserve topsoil. Polyelectrolyte biopolymers (PEBs) offer a promising solution for decreasing Cl- toxicity and bioavailability. Point-of-zero charge analyses and batch adsorption experiments are suggested to assess PEBs' effectiveness in reclaiming waters and soils affected by brine spills. This research could lead to a new remediation approach for brine-impacted lands, which is essential for protecting biodiversity, preserving water, and restoring land productivity to acceptable levels.