Institute: Maine
Year Established: 2023 Start Date: 2023-09-01 End Date: 2024-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $33,920 Total Non-Federal Funds: $37,302
Principal Investigators: Jasmine Saros
Project Summary: Mountain ponds in Maine provide important recreational and ecological value to the State, such as drinking water for hikers and fishing opportunities for anglers. However, not all mountain ponds are protected by conserved land, and the effects of climate change on these ponds is poorly understood. Autumn and winter are the fastest changing seasons in Maine, and it is likely that rapid changes in air temperature are affecting water quality in mountain ponds. This project will focus on nine mountain ponds in Maine that have over a decade of water temperature monitoring and will use interdisciplinary methods assess how changes in water temperature and ice cover impact water quality. We will also map the conservation status of all 90 mountain ponds in Maine and talk with land managers to understand their priorities for conserving mountain ponds in Maine.