Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID IA_2023_Demir

FloodRSS: Flood Resilience Support System for Participatory Community Action 

Institute: Iowa
Year Established: 2023 Start Date: 2023-09-01 End Date: 2024-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $19,999 Total Non-Federal Funds: $20,055

Principal Investigators: Ibrahim Demir

Project Summary: Floods are impacting 2.2 billion people worldwide, with Iowa experiencing a growing number of flood-related disasters. Traditional mitigation approaches have been fragmented, often inefficient, and disproportionately affect vulnerable communities in both rural and urban areas. To address this issue, the proposed research aims to develop a web-based platform for participatory community action that focuses on flood vulnerability and resilience. The innovative platform intends to link hydrologic processes with socio-economic aspects, creating a more comprehensive and efficient approach to flood mitigation. By providing easy-to-use visualization interfaces, FloodRSS will improve communication and collaboration between stakeholders, including modelers, planners, and communities. The primary objectives of this project include quantifying resilience and vulnerability for Iowa communities to support customized scenario evaluations and engage local communities in the co-production of decisions. Ultimately, the FloodRSS aims to facilitate community-driven flood mitigation plans and enhance decision-making processes, promoting socio-environmental justice and more effective flood management.