Institute: Virginia
USGS Grant Number:
Year Established: 2022 Start Date: 2023-01-01 End Date: 2025-12-31
Total Federal Funds: $248,458 Total Non-Federal Funds: $248,464
Principal Investigators: Landon Marston
Project Summary: The overall goal of this project is to improve understanding of the environmental, socioeconomic, and regulatory drivers of water conflict related to interbasin water transfers. This project will determine i) the drivers of water transfers, ii) hotspots for future water transfers and potential conflict, and iii) the evolution of water conflict related to water transfers. This research is national in scope and will inform policy and management so as to minimize impending water conflicts and other societal and environmental harms. The proposed research plan involves significant collaboration between USGS and university researchers. This project will create actionable scientific findings that will enable state and federal water agencies to predict and mitigate water conflict related to interbasin water transfers for the benefit of the general public. A strong educational and research training program is integrated within this project.