Institute: Delaware
Year Established: 2020 Start Date: 2020-03-01 End Date: 2021-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $125,000 Total Non-Federal Funds: $250,000
Principal Investigators: Gerald J. Kauffman
Project Summary: Technical Abstract: In accordance with Section 104b of the Water Resources Act, the University of Delaware Water Resources Center proposes to support a water resources research program conducted through graduate research assistantships and undergraduate internships with faculty and scientist advisors. Grant support is sought for the administration of the DWRC though the Director and Associate Director and serve as principal investigators in the student water research program. Two graduate fellowships will be awarded for a term to begin with the fall semester in September 2020 and continue to the spring semester through May 2021 to investigate water quality trends in drinking water streams and source tracking of stormwater runoff. During the Spring 2020 semester, the DWRC will review proposals and select 12 undergraduate water research internships to students in the University of Delaware colleges of Arts and Sciences; Engineering; Agriculture and Natural Resources; and Earth, Ocean, and Environment and Delaware State University and Wesley College to begin in fall semester in September 2020 with research findings delivered at the annual meeting of the DWRC Advisory Panel scheduled for May 2020. DWRC Overview: The University of Delaware Water Resources Center (DWRC) research, education, and information transfer programs focus on issues of state and regional importance to both water quality and water quantity. The long-term priority areas of the DWRC are programs and projects that address: (i) nonpoint source pollution of ground and surface waters, (ii) water supply and demand, and (iii) preservation and protection of aquatic ecosystems. The objective of the DWRC at this land grant institution of the University of Delaware is to fund and support interdisciplinary water resources research, education, and information transfer by faculty, scientists, and students at the University of Delaware in the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, College of Engineering, College of Earth, Oceans, and Environment, and Biden School of Public Policy and Administration together with Delaware State University, and Wesley College.Program Administration: The DWRC Director is a faculty member at the University of Delaware who was appointed by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources with the consent of the Provost. The Associate Director assists the DWRC Director in administering and managing DWRC research projects. Budget assistance is provided by the Director’s home department in the Institute for Public Administration within the Biden School of Public Policy & Administration.