Institute: Wyoming
Year Established: 2019 Start Date: 2019-02-28 End Date: 2020-05-30
Total Federal Funds: $8,999 Total Non-Federal Funds: $95,187
Principal Investigators: Kevin Befus
Project Summary: Information transfer activities are an important component of the Wyoming Water Research Program (WRP). Activities include Office of Water Program (OWP) interactions with the Wyoming Water Association, Wyoming Water Forum, Wyoming Water Development Commission, Wyoming Legislative Select Water Committee, Wyoming Weather Modification Pilot Program Technical Advisory Team, and other water-related interests such as the Wyoming Stock Growers, Wyoming Governor’s Water Strategy Group, Wyoming State Legislature House and Senate Agriculture Committees, and University of Wyoming Water Interest Group. The WRP supports other technology and information transfer activities throughout the year. In order to facilitate dissemination of results of WRP funded research projects, and other closely related water research projects, information transfer includes support of peer publications and conference and meeting presentations for PIs and students of ongoing and completed WRP funded research projects and other closely related projects. The OWP maintains a web site which includes the most recent request for proposals and project reports. The WRP Advisory Committee serves as a group which facilities information transfer throughout various State and Federal agencies.