Institute: Massachusetts
Year Established: 2019 Start Date: 2019-02-28 End Date: 2020-02-27
Total Federal Funds: $49,998 Total Non-Federal Funds: Not available
Principal Investigators:
Project Summary: Water heavy metal toxicity has posed significant threats to the health of exposed human beings and wildlife animals in Massachusetts. The real-time monitoring of multiple heavy-metal ions at large spatiotemporal scale is crucial to the state’s water safety, public health, and development of water toxin guidance values which entails investigations on health outcomes of long-term low-level heavy-metal exposure. Typical heavy-metal monitoring, however, is lab-based with low efficiency in time and cost, and enabling in-field sensor systems with sufficient efficacy remain lacking. We will fill this gap by creating smart sensors that integrate four innovative technologies we have developed: (1) preparation of large-scale high-quality graphene monolayers, (2) aptamerfunctionalized graphene microelectrodes that can detect heavy metal ions with unprecedented sensitivity, (3) a programmable ultra-low-power wireless microelectronic platform, and (4) a microfluidic sample processor. The targeted smart sensors will be credit card–sized, multiplexed for testing various types of heavy metals simultaneously, and powerable by a button cell battery for months of signal processing and wireless data transmission. Remarkably, the smart sensors will be programmable for automatic background-drift cancellation, which, along with the monolayer nature of graphene and the reference-free device structure of the sensors, will lead to ultra-high sensitivity (~ 1 ng/mL) for quantifying heavy-metal concentrations. Enabled by a microfluidic heavymetal extractor based on the sample processor, the smart sensors are suitable for monitoring heavy-metal levels for various water bodies: lakes, ponds, reservoirs, water towers, tap water outlets, etc. The planned smart sensors represent the first type of nano-enabled robotic heavy-metal monitoring tool, which can serve as the building block of an ultimate water heavy-metal monitoring wireless sensor network. The deployment of the sensor network holds great promise for substantially enhancing the water safety of Massachusetts and paves the way to building scientific understanding of the toxicology of chronic low-level water heavy-metal exposure. This highly interdisciplinary research will also provide significant research-based educational and training resources and opportunities to students, particularly those of underrepresented groups, from K-12 to graduate in Amherst area.