Institute: Wisconsin
Year Established: 2018 Start Date: 2018-03-01 End Date: 2019-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $19,990 Total Non-Federal Funds: $45,996
Principal Investigators: Moira Harrington
Project Summary: The Wisconsin Water Resources Institute's Information Transfer Program publicizes water resources research and researchers; provides educational opportunities through training and public service; offers informational and outreach breadth and depth on water-related issues; and disseminates science-based findings and best-management practices to local, state and federal agencies, the research community, non-governmental organizations and members of the public. The Information Transfer Program strives to meet these objectives by providing material to targeted audiences and engaging in activities, including the maintenance of a website to share water information; operation of a library that collects, archives and then circulates water-related print and electronic materials; offers a speakers bureau and maintains a presence on a University of Wisconsin-Madison experts list, which is regularly accessed by local, regional and national media professionals; assembles and regularly updates an annual communication plan so as to be positioned to best capitalize on water-related information-transfer opportunities; sponsors a statewide conference for water professionals; produces and distributes videos; and publishes and distributes a quarterly newsletter, fact sheets, news releases, social media announcements of water-related topics, monthly listings of library acquisitions and listings of noteworthy new water-related websites.