Institute: Texas
USGS Grant Number: G17AC00440
Year Established: 2017 Start Date: 2017-09-25 End Date: 2022-09-24
Total Federal Funds: $333,332 Total Non-Federal Funds: Not available
Principal Investigators: John Tracy
Project Summary: The TAAP program will develop and implement an integrated scientific approach to identify and assess priority transboundary aquifers, including-- (A) identification of priority transboundary aquifers; (B) evaluating all available data and publications as part of the development of study plans for each priority transboundary aquifer; (C) creating a new, or enhancing an existing, geographic information system database to characterize the spatial and temporal aspects of each priority transboundary aquifer; and (D) using field studies, including support for and expansion of ongoing monitoring and numerical modeling. The Texas Water Resources Institute will be an active participant with the USGS Water Science Centers in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, the Arizona Water Resources Research Center and the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute in coordinating TAAP project activities and outreach efforts. This will include participating in project management meetings, development of workshops to solicit input from stakeholders, and organizing symposium to present and discuss project findings. There are seven primary categories of tasks that have been identified by the TAAP Working Group that will be undertaken by project participants to develop a comprehensive understanding of transboundary aquifers along the United States and Mexico border.