Institute: Maryland
Year Established: 2017 Start Date: 2017-03-01 End Date: 2017-09-30
Total Federal Funds: $6,000 Total Non-Federal Funds: $15,725
Principal Investigators: Joel Moore, Kaye Brubaker
Project Summary: This project aims to quantify the relationship between weathering of the urban built environment, geochemical cycling, and major ion concentrations in urban watersheds. Previous studies demonstrated that urban streams have dramatically higher major ion concentrations but were unable to quantify major ion sources due to mixed bedrock geology, lack of a baseline forested watershed, or the presence of point sources. Major ions and strontium isotopes will be measured in 5 watersheds to quantify ion sources across a forested to urban gradient with impervious surface coverage ranging from 0 to 25% and underlain by similar silicate bedrock with no carbonates.