Institute: Arizona
Year Established: 2017 Start Date: 2017-03-01 End Date: 2018-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $65,822 Total Non-Federal Funds: $35,215
Principal Investigators: Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden, Jean McLain
Project Summary: In 2017-18, the WRRC will maintain the major components of its Information Transfer Program and add capabilities to reach a larger audience through advanced web-based water information and education. The quarterly Arizona Water Resource (AWR) newsletter will transition to an all-digital format while the Arroyo annual publication will continue to be printed and distributed through both mail and email. The Weekly Wave, an e-update on WRRC activities and other water news, will continue to be distributed to a growing list of subscribers. The Brown Bag seminars will continue as a forum for information exchange with the university and wider community, and the Annual Conferences will be organized in collaboration with community members to assemble programs exploring multiple aspects of complex water issues. The website, with its new look and functionality, will be tested and refined to increase traffic and enhance ease of use. The WRRC will reinforce ties with Arizona Project WET (Water Education for Teachers), continuing to look for collaboration opportunities. Research, engagement, and outreach programs will receive supporting services through the Information Transfer program.