Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID 2016HI504S

Evaluating Student Training and STEM Workforce Development at the National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR)

Institute: Hawaii
USGS Grant Number: G16AC00335
Year Established: 2016 Start Date: 2016-08-01 End Date: 2020-07-31
Total Federal Funds: $56,700 Total Non-Federal Funds: Not available

Principal Investigators:

Project Summary: 4 -year study. This research will investigate the education and training activities and outcomes of NIWR through the Water Resources Research Act and the role of these efforts in our Nation’s Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce with a focus on the USGS. Project goals include: 1) compilation, synthesis and analyses of archived NIWR data on students supported at the state and federal level and gap analysis of alumni data opportunities and needs; 2) development of a “toolbox” and/or framework for the NIWR and state water institutes to facilitate and enhance alumni tracking; 3) documentation, and enhanced understanding of the role of the WRRA, NIWR and state water institutes in USGS workforce development; and 4) establishment of a standardized method of tracking of WRRA/NIWR supported alumni, including workforce placement.