Institute: Virgin Islands
Year Established: 2015 Start Date: 2015-03-01 End Date: 2016-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $29,477 Total Non-Federal Funds: Not available
Principal Investigators: Bernard Castillo, James Pinckney, Kynoch Reale-Munroe
Project Summary: Bioluminescent bays and lagoons, or biobays are a rare, natural phenomenon. Mangrove Lagoon, a shallow (< 4 m) and small (3.8 ha), year-round bioluminescent lagoon is located within Salt River Bay National and Historical Park and Ecological Preserve, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The vibrant displays of light created by an elevated abundance of the bioluminescent dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense makes it a very popular eco-tourism destination for locals and tourists alike. Salt River Bay was listed on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved U.S. Virgin Islands’ 2012 list of impaired waters. Listed impairments included fecal coliform bacteria and turbidity, resulting from land development, erosion, sedimentation, urban runoff and storm sewers. Correlative relationships between daily rainfall, physical water quality parameters, nutrient loading and phytoplankton composition will provide insights into the effect of terrestrial runoff on the bioluminescent, Mangrove Lagoon.