Institute: Connecticut
Year Established: 2014 Start Date: 2014-03-01 End Date: 2015-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $5,877 Total Non-Federal Funds: $4,004
Principal Investigators: Glenn Warner, James Hurd
Project Summary: The purpose of the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources technology projects supports a number of ongoing efforts, such as a seminar series, conferences and web site, as well as through special projects and publications implemented as the need arises. All of these activities are funded through the Institute's 104B project, "Information Transfer Program." The focus of the CT IWR FY2014 information transfer program will be on upgrading the CT IWR webpage interface, disseminating the results of our funded research projects to a wider audience through our web site, generating expanded interest in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for water resource and other research activities, and continuing to cosponsor local conferences and the departmental seminar series.