Institute: Florida
Year Established: 2013 Start Date: 2013-02-01 End Date: 2016-02-29
Total Federal Funds: $46,736 Total Non-Federal Funds: $93,475
Principal Investigators: Mark Newman, Kirk Hatfield
Project Summary: The goal of this student lead seed project is to develop a new passive sensor that will provide direct in situ measurements of water and contaminant fluxes within the hyporheic zone. The proposed effort is a one-year study to develop a new sensor, test it under controlled laboratory conditions and develop field deployment methods. If a robust technology is developed from this seed project, follow on proposals will be generated to pursue additional funding to support further development of the novel technology. The new technology will improve the ability of site managers to formulate a site-wide contaminant mass balance, evaluate the efficacy of hyporheic zone for monitored natural attenuation, manage aquatic sediment site restoration, control private and public expectations of restoration efforts, and ensure protection of human health and the environment.