Institute: Arizona
Year Established: 2013 Start Date: 2013-03-01 End Date: 2014-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $12,276 Total Non-Federal Funds: $6,322
Principal Investigators: Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden
Project Summary: The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center will continue to publish its quarterly newsletter, Arizona Water Resource, and the annual single-topic newsletter, Arroyo. Topics for the Arroyo are chosen by the WRRC’s External Advisory Committee. The popular series of yearly conferences will continue with Water Security from the Ground Up, to be held March 5, 2013. The Brown Bag lunchtime seminar series also will continue with speakers of interest to the university and the wider community. In addition to the newsletters, conference and seminars, WRRC personnel will continue outreach activities associated with on-going programs of research. The WRRC-based Arizona Project WET will continue its education activities for teachers and students throughout the state, with interactive in-service workshops, Water Festivals and development of program initiatives such as the Water Investigations Program. There continues to be significant public interest in water issues, particularly water sustainability, water harvesting, environmental water needs, statewide water planning, water recycling, and contaminants of emerging concern. Papers and presentations of WRRC personnel and others, as well as news, a calendar of events and announcements are posted on the WRRC web site. The WRRC is improving its internet presence with more frequent updates and use of social media. Use of listservs for announcements has be streamlined and improved by more attractive message design.