Institute: Rhode Island
Year Established: 2012 Start Date: 2012-03-01 End Date: 2013-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $16,540 Total Non-Federal Funds: $34,813
Principal Investigators: Aaron Bradshaw
Project Summary: The proposed research will conduct preliminary wave tank experiments to study the generation of water wave-induced excess pore water pressures in remedial sediment caps in reservoirs. A number of reservoirs in the New England region contain contaminated sediments. One viable alternative for remediation of these sediments is to place a thick granular cap on the sediments to provide a barrier between the contamination and the water column. In shallow water depths, water waves are known to generate excess pore water pressures in the bottom sediments. Generation of excess pore water pressures could have two adverse effects: they can induce upward flow of water from the contaminated sediment into the water column, and they can reduce the sediment shear strength and destabilize the cap. The PI has already developed an analytical model to evaluate the potential for the generation of excess pore water pressures under water wave loading. However, the model still requires calibration and validation. The proposed research is a first step in collecting experimental data for this purpose.