Institute: North Dakota
USGS Grant Number:
Year Established: 2013 Start Date: 2012-09-01 End Date: 2014-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $121,262 Total Non-Federal Funds: $124,521
Principal Investigators: Wei Lin, Peter Oduor, Karen Ryberg
Project Summary: Changes in streamflow timing and magnitudes have been well documented in New England and in the Rocky Mountains, as well as in overall studies of the United States. The north central United States has received less attention because the region lacks pristine mountain basins, is less populous, and has a highly variable climate. The north central United States has been addressed most often in studies that have a national extent, a statewide extent, or a basin extent. We propose studying the north central United States as a region. The hydroclimate of this area is currently a subject of research for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and this project will collaborate with the USGS to perform related studies. Objectives include the characterization of seasonality in climate and streamflow and land-use change. Basins examined will be smaller than those in current USGS work. This focus on smaller basins will allow us to compare factors that vary across basins, including soil, topography, and land-use changes, such as tile drainage.