Institute: Guam
Year Established: 2012 Start Date: 2012-03-01 End Date: 2013-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $21,407 Total Non-Federal Funds: Not available
Principal Investigators: Joe Rouse
Project Summary: The existing wastewater treatment facilities in the Federated States of Micronesia are not adequately inventoried. Furthermore, the limited information that is available is largely esoteric in nature, being available only to a few persons engaged at the local level. Items of concern include the types of unit processes being used, degrees of treatment being targeted, design capacities, degrees of treatment being achieved, and locations where treated effluents are being discharged. Of equal concern would be the processing of excess sludge generated at wastewater treatment plants, including the methods being used for treatment and disposal of the sludge (or reuse of bio-solids). In addition, the current conditions of wastewater collection lines and their extent of service coverage and the presence of industrial wastewater inputs are of concern. A concise, detailed inventory of the above items is lacking. Accordingly, the objective of the proposed project is to compile a technical report with up-to-date information on the existing wastewater collection and treatment systems and sludge handling practices in the major population centers of Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Kosrae states of the Federated States of Micronesia. The findings of this project would assist in identifying and prioritizing areas where further work is needed to improve wastewater treatment practices. Furthermore, it would be useful as a planning tool by allowing for comparisons of results obtained at different locations throughout the expansive reaches of the Federated States of Micronesia. As a conclusion to the study, an overview will be compiled to tie together the above observations and itemize possible courses of corrective action with a goal of developing sustainable wastewater treatment infrastructures throughout the Federated States of Micronesia.