Institute: Colorado
Year Established: 2012 Start Date: 2012-03-01 End Date: 2013-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $5,000 Total Non-Federal Funds: $2,400
Principal Investigators: John Stednick
Project Summary: This research is meant to better characterize the hydrologic connection between alluvial groundwater and streamflow water chemistries as affected by augmentation at TRSWA. The research will investigate alluvial groundwater chemistry in relation to the chemistry of streamflow water under augmentation - during periods of pumping and non-pumping. Previous research at the TRSWA project shows two distinctly different chemical identities for the water sources. The groundwater is a calcium bicarbonate type water and the streamflow is a sodium/calcium-sulfate type (Beckman, 2007). By using an 2 end member mixing analysis the groundwater can be characterized as a contribution to overall streamflow. Research objectives include: (1) Characterize the stream and groundwater chemistry during periods of pumping and non-pumping. (2) Use the chemical characteristics of these waters, compiled with the historical record in an end member mixing analysis of streamflow and groundwater.