Institute: New Hampshire
Year Established: 2010 Start Date: 2010-03-01 End Date: 2011-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $15,251 Total Non-Federal Funds: $31,850
Principal Investigators: Robert Roseen, Thomas Ballestero
Project Summary: We propose to develop and publish two Information Digests for a lay audience on the topic of stormwater. The information used will be synthesis and distillation of important existing technical research products with particular emphasis on the target audience of municipal decision makers. The intent of this outreach product is to transform existing technical research information into a format that is readily usable and to get it in the hands of those involved in everyday decision-making. The Digests will be available in hard copy and electronically on the UNHSC, NH Lakes, and DES websites. While we will strive to minimize hard copy printing, some distribution of hard copy to municipal and public works officials will be required to assure adequate information transfer. Stormwater is a rapidly emerging environmental issue. The NH legislature established the Stormwater Commission in 2008 (PI Roseen and Kahl are members) for the purposes of identifying the issues and finding solutions to reduce impact from stormwater runoff. This commission quickly learned that issues ranging from widespread lack of understanding of environmental impact to uncertain municipal authority to address stormwater are just two examples of the need for public education on this topic. Therefore, to address the need for information for the general public, municipal officials, and policy makers, we propose to develop and make available in hard copy and electronically two digests: 1) a general document in support of the work of the Stormwater Commission on imperviousness, runoff, and solutions, and 2) a more targeted document on issues and solutions for road salt runoff. The Information Digests will be timely in its support of the Commission, and will highlight recent research and solutions from the UNH Stormwater Center. The latter Digest is timely because of the ongoing debate over Cl TMDLs in southern NH, where some streams are in violation of EPA regulations for Cl year around. The road salt Digest will be serve as the outreach document for recent research done by Kahl in support of the TMDL for the widening of I-93, and PI Roseen on the Reduction of Deicing Materials using Porous Pavements.