Institute: Delaware
Year Established: 2010 Start Date: 2010-03-01 End Date: 2014-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $7,250 Total Non-Federal Funds: $2,416
Principal Investigators: James Sims, Maria Pautler
Project Summary: One of the major ongoing activities of the DWRC is to disseminate information on water resources to all interested individuals in Delaware and other states. The DWRC has a website to facilitate this and also bi-annually publishes a newsletter (DWRC Water News) which is distributed to approximately 400 individuals and organizations in the state and the U.S. We also distribute, through our e-mail list-serv, a monthly electronic newsletter (DWRC Water E-News) to all water-related faculty and staff at the University of Delaware and many individuals in state and federal agencies, and local/regional water organizations. The Water E-News is used to rapidly distribute information on new publications, upcoming meetings, grant proposals, etc., to interested individuals. We have also established a formal link with the University of Delawares undergraduate research program to distribute information to interested students about opportunities for water resources research. For those students who participate in a research project, they present their results during a University-wide poster session. Each year we co-sponsor an annual water resources conference with the University of Delaware Water Resources Agency, the Delaware Geological Survey, and the State of Delawares Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. In 2009 the DWRC became included as a research center in the newly-created Delaware Environmental Institute, and hosted visiting scientists from China Agricultural University. We have also established a formal relationship with the University of Delaware Institute of Soil and Environmental Quality to co-sponsor an annual water resources educational event held in the spring at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Ag Day. In FY2010, we will continue these activities.