Institute: Oklahoma
Year Established: 2009 Start Date: 2009-03-01 End Date: 2010-10-01
Total Federal Funds: $25,000 Total Non-Federal Funds: $50,549
Principal Investigators: Damian Adams, Larry Sanders, Michael Smolen
Project Summary: Despite the demonstrated vulnerability to drought in Oklahoma, few water managers have formal contingency plans for crises. Lack of awareness of feasible water conservation policy alternatives presents a significant barrier to development and adoption of contingency plans. The primary goal of this project is to increase water managers' and other stakeholders' awareness of: (1) available alternative water conservation policy tools, (2) their feasibility for local conditions, and (3) their relative costs and water savings. Using a literature review, surveys and expert panels, we will identify and evaluate water conservation policy tools that are suitable for local conditions in Oklahoma. First, we will conduct a literature review that includes the gray literature (e.g., technical reports) with the help of collaborators at universities in other states (Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, and New Mexico). Second, we will design and conduct a survey of Oklahoma water supply managers to identify which water conservation policy tools are currently being used. Third, we will create a framework document and conduct expert panel sessions of water supply managers to identify potentially feasible conservation policy tools. Fourth, we will design and conduct a statewide survey of water users to identify willingness to support potential alternative policy mechanisms. Finally, we will synthesize the results and report the findings to stakeholders as appropriate. This project is expected to generate valuable information that can be used to support the efforts of the Comprehensive State Water Plan process.