Institute: Colorado
Year Established: 2009 Start Date: 2009-03-01 End Date: 2010-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $44,835 Total Non-Federal Funds: $159,751
Principal Investigators: Reagan Waskom
Project Summary:
Technology transfer activities of CWI rely heavily on the sponsorship and participation in various water meetings across Colorado by the director, the publication of Colorado Water, the bimonthly newsletter, and the various web pages where research results and other archives are available to the public. Engaging other University faculty to participate in these activities has always been an objective and a challenge for CWI. With increased funding and new PIs this year, CWI will have the opportunity to infuse new research topics and new faculty faces in the water conversations around Colorado. Our newsletter, research reports and web pages will be used to keep the University contributions before the water management community. Given the call for increased assistance with the Water Basin Roundtables, the travel budget for CWI remains high this year. The Interbasin Compact Commission wants to make use of CWI webpages to promote water education activities and events, requiring us to renew our commitment to keeping these pages current. Participation in various regional conversations about water will be an important activity for the director of CWI. The Colorado legislature has mandated specified roundtables to discuss water policy and water use within the state. These roundtables frequently make use of the expertise and research results from the CWI community of scholars. The directors presence, or the presence of an appropriate expert, will be requested at various meetings this year, and CWI assistance with travel expenses will be an important encouragement to accomplish this interaction.