Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID 2008VT36B

Improvement of Phosphorus Load Estimates through the use of Enzyme-Hydrolysis Measures of Phosphorus Bioavailability

Institute: Vermont
Year Established: 2008 Start Date: 2008-03-01 End Date: 2010-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $75,328 Total Non-Federal Funds: $60,097

Principal Investigators: Jane Hill

Abstract: Microorganisms alter the forms of phosphorus forms in soils and sediments over time. Prediction of this labile phosphorus is complex and not well understood. This proposal endeavors to aid in the prediction of phosphorus migration off-site through the application of enzymatic assays to assess the labile nature of phosphorus in soils and sediments. Enzyme hydrolysis assays have been applied to dairy manures with success. An intensive assessment of soils and sediments from a variety of soil types will be conducted. This study will 1. Adapt the enzyme assay soils and sediments samples and 2. Provide an option for soil scientists who wish to use a labile phosphorus measure in the Vermont Phosphorus Site Index as well as other models of phosphorus transport.