Institute: Utah
Year Established: 2008 Start Date: 2008-03-01 End Date: 2009-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $33,655 Total Non-Federal Funds: $60,715
Principal Investigators: Robert Spall
Project Summary: The Great Salt Lake represents a critical habitat for migratory bird species in North America. It is also important in Utahs economy for the approximately $20 million per year brine shrimp industry and the $200 million per year minerals extraction industry on its shores. Our understanding of lake-related wildlife habitat, water quality, and salinity distribution issues has been enhanced through the development of a hydrodynamic model at USU of lake circulation. However, while the existing model has done much to explain the circulation patterns that are seen in the lake, many questions remain. This project will focus on seiching frequencies as affected by salinity gradients in the lake, wind, and solar radiation. The information it produces will be valuable in management of the lake for brine shrimp production, minerals extraction, and water quality issues.