Institute: Rhode Island
Year Established: 2008 Start Date: 2008-03-01 End Date: 2009-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $14,669 Total Non-Federal Funds: $29,384
Principal Investigators: Laura Meyerson, Frederick Meyerson
Project Summary: This research will combine three data sets for Rhode Island in order to quantify and understand the relationships that exist between 1) water quality trends, 2) land use change, and 3) demographic change in Rhode Island. In recent decades, parts of Rhode Island have experienced significant population growth and development, but population and development density has varied widely across the state, as has the rate of change. Water quality in some RI watersheds has declined significantly, as septic systems, lawns, impervious surfaces, pesticide and herbicide use, and groundwater withdrawals have increased. The URI Watershed Watch data set contains information that reflects changes in water quality over space and time since 1988. The RIGIS database at the Environmental Data Center represents a comprehensive assessment of land use change in Rhode Island since 1988. Finally, U.S. Census Bureau data from the 1990 and 2000 censuses (and other years as available), will be interpreted and developed at geographical scales appropriate to watersheds in the URI Watershed Watch data set. This data integration, interpretation, and analysis will help identify the sources, vectors, mechanisms, and flow of pollutants, and the relation of water quality to demographic and developmental change, and land use trends and plans. The results of this research can also help us to understand past trends, to make projections, and to ensure that Rhode Islands freshwater systems are not irrevocably degraded in the future by demographic and land use change.