Institute: Rhode Island
Year Established: 2008 Start Date: 2008-03-01 End Date: 2009-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $17,187 Total Non-Federal Funds: $34,526
Principal Investigators: Harold Knickle
Project Summary: There are two thrusts to this project. The first is to create a conference to provide background and knowledge for working professionals in the clean water fields and to educate graduate and undergraduate student in the scope of the clean water field. This third Rhode Island conference on clean water will be used to promote conservation and present new technology. The second major activity of this project is the hosting of a week long summer camp at the University of Rhode Island for high school students to introduce students to clean water concepts and promote interest in clean water careers. Two major objectives have been set for this project. The first is to advance the awareness and knowledge of the importance of clean water in Rhode Island and provide insight into the various factors affecting the ability to obtain clean water for multiple uses in Rhode Island by hosting a major Clean Water Conference. The creation of the conference will provide the background and knowledge of the work of professionals in the clean water fields relating to conservation and new technology. Graduate students will be encouraged to take courses in environmental areas and undergraduates will be encouraged to consider pursuing degrees related to the clean water profession. The second major objective is related to hosting of a summer camp at the University of Rhode Island for high school students to introduce students to clean water concepts with a goal of promoting interest in clean water careers.