Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID 2008MS82B

Watershed Assessment and Education

Institute: Mississippi
Year Established: 2008 Start Date: 2008-07-01 End Date: 2010-06-30
Total Federal Funds: $30,240 Total Non-Federal Funds: $67,410

Principal Investigators: Maifan Silitonga

Project Summary: The Coles Creek Watershed, located in the south-western quadrant of the state of Mississippi, is listed under the US EPA impaired water section 303(d). Degradation of the ponds/lakes and streams/creeks in this watershed is caused mostly by biological impairment, followed by nutrients, organic enrichment or Low Dissolved Oxygen, sediment/siltation, pesticides and pathogens (US EPA, 2007). These impairments causes the degradation of water quality thus causing euthrophication or algal bloom that can lead to fish kills and can also adversely affect human health. The causes of algal blooms have not been studied; therefore, data is needed to evaluate the quality of water and soil in the surrounding areas of the watershed. The data obtained will be used to analyze and determine the situation and find effective methods to solve the problem. Community participation in the area is much needed to improve, maintain, and restore the quality of water. Thus, educational materials are necessary to engage the community in protecting the quality of water in this area.