Institute: Arizona
Year Established: 2008 Start Date: 2008-03-01 End Date: 2009-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $52,095 Total Non-Federal Funds: $104,452
Principal Investigators: Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden, Joe Gelt
Project Summary: The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center will continue its well-regarded series of yearly conferences, and its highly acclaimed Arizona Water Resource newsletter will continue to be published bi-monthly. A third issue in the new annual series of Arroyo, a single-topic newsletter, will be published at the end of the 2008 grant period. The popular Brown Bag lunchtime seminar series also will continue. In addition to conferences, newsletters and seminars, WRRC personnel regularly facilitate the exchange of information between water experts and water information users through community outreach, providing lectures and presentations to diverse audiences. The WRRC-based Arizona Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) reaches out to teachers and students across Arizona through interactive in-service workshops and annual Water Festivals held throughout the state. Concerns about water sustainability, the environment, Colorado River water supplies, drought and climate change keep public interest in state water issues high. The WRRC responds to many inquiries for information related to these issues. The WRRC is placing increased emphasis on the internet as a public information tool. Papers and presentations of WRRC personnel, as well as other informational documents such as working papers and research reports, are posted on the newly redesigned WRRC website.