Institute: Tennessee
Year Established: 2006 Start Date: 2006-03-01 End Date: 2009-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $106,061 Total Non-Federal Funds: $181,216
Principal Investigators: Randall Gentry, Randall Gentry
Project Summary: The Tennessee Water Resources Research Center (TNWRRC) is a focus area within the Water Resources Science & Engineering group, under the newly formed Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment (ISSE). Currently, TNWRRC and the Southeastern Water Resources Institute (SWRI) operate under the ISSE Water Resources Science & Engineering group umbrella. The primary goal of this proposal is to implement a synergistic plan for information transfer and outreach, with associated management and planning activities, which would maximize statewide and regional cooperation of stakeholders. The TNWRRC has long been a primary provider of information for statewide water resources researchers and practitioners. Under this plan, TNWRRCs new affiliations, within the recent restructuring of environmental research activities at the University of Tennessee, will be incorporated into its current outreach activities.These will include promoting expanded services offered to watershed groups, implementation of a statewide workshop for water resources researchers and professionals, and the development of an expanded and user-friendly web site, which will include a database for data and information archival and public access. By broadening and improving its set of outreach tools, TNWRRC will be able to provide a more effective means of supporting and interacting with stakeholders, water resources researchers and professionals across the state.