Institute: Montana
Year Established: 2006 Start Date: 2006-03-01 End Date: 2009-09-01
Total Federal Funds: $58,584 Total Non-Federal Funds: $116,824
Principal Investigators: Stephen Parker, Douglas Cameron
Project Summary: This investigation will examine and quantify the connection on a diel (24-h) basis between dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in two rivers in Montana. It will also provide insight into relationship between daily changes in DOC and transport of metals in these rivers. The objectives of this proposed study are: 1) to measure and quantify the concentrations and 13C stable isotope composition of DIC and DOC over a 24-h period in two rivers in southwest Montana, 2) to investigate and quantify the connection between the diel cycles of DIC and DOC in these streams, 3) to investigate the diel mobility of trace metals in the system in relationship to the daily changes in DOC concentration. This investigation will be conducted by two members of the Department of Chemistry and Geochemistry at Montana Tech and employ two undergraduate students to assist with field and laboratory work. These students will gain valuable training in both field and laboratory methods for environmental and geochemical studies in aquatic systems.