Institute: Missouri
Year Established: 2006 Start Date: 2006-03-01 End Date: 2007-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $21,988 Total Non-Federal Funds: $43,977
Principal Investigators: Baolin Deng, Baolin Deng
Project Summary: The objective of this project is to develop a sensitive fluorescence EEMS technique for water quality monitoring in Missouri and apply the approach specifically to analyze NDMA and TTHM formation potentials. EEMS information of water samples from major Missouri lakes and other sources will be collected and analyzed. The research tasks include: (i) Construct a fingerprint database for monitoring the NDMA and TTHM formation potentials, (ii) Identify fluorescence fingerprints and major fluorescent components in various Missouri water sources, and (iii) Investigate the effects of mixing, dilution, adsorption, and biodegradation on the fluorescence fingerprints. The study will be accomplished in collaboration with Dr. Thomas Clevenger at Civil and Environmental Engineering (UMC), who has been actively investigating distribution and formation potential of NDMA and TTHM in Missouri drinking water supplies, and John Jones at Fisheries and Wildlife (UMC), who has been collecting water samples seasonally from all major lakes in Missouri. Significant effort will be devoted to build and expand an EEMS database of major Missouri water types to facilitate data analysis. A comprehensive database of fluorescence fingerprints for various types of water will allow us to fully utilize the capability of EEMS, including its application to monitoring NDMA and TTHM formation potential.