Institute: Florida
Year Established: 2006 Start Date: 2006-03-01 End Date: 2011-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $50,750 Total Non-Federal Funds: $101,500
Principal Investigators: Mike Annable
Project Summary: Due to the growing demand on water resources within the State of Florida, alternative water supply and water storage technologies are becoming increasingly attractive to municipalities. Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) has the potential to provide much of the seasonal storage needed for many municipalities within areas of increased water demand. However, as with any engineered water supply process, ASR must meet stringent Federal and State regulations to insure the protection of human health and the health of the environment. Recently, facilities in southwest Florida utilizing the Suwannee Limestone of the Upper Floridan Aquifer for ASR have reported arsenic concentrations in recovered water at levels greater than 112 g/L (Arthur et al., 2002). On January 23, 2006 the Maximum Contaminant Level for arsenic was lowered from 50 g/L to 10 g/L (FDEP: Chapter 62-550 F.A.C., Table 1). ASR facilities in Florida that have experience arsenic above the MCL will be required to adopt institutional controls that are protective of both human health and the environment. However, in order to determine the adequacy of such institutional controls, a thorough understanding of the geochemical processes that control arsenic mobilization during ASR must be established. This application presents a work scope for conducting research that will further our understanding of the geochemical processes that control the mobilization of arsenic during ASR. Additionally, this research will benefit our understanding of the fate and transport of arsenic mobilized during ASR.