Institute: Connecticut
Year Established: 2006 Start Date: 2006-03-01 End Date: 2011-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $40,497 Total Non-Federal Funds: $44,174
Principal Investigators: Glenn Warner, Patricia Bresnahan
Project Summary: The purpose of the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources technology transfer program is to disseminate the results of research studies to water managers and the general public. This is accomplished through a number of ongoing programs, such as our seminar series, conferences and web site, as well as through special projects and publications implemented as the need arises. All of these activities are funded provided through the Institute's 104B project, "Water Resources Technology Transfer Program." Special projects included in this year's proposal are: 1) Rainfall Climatology: further investigation of long-term trends in Connecticut's rainfall. 2) Fenton River Study Tech Transfer: preparation for distribution of datasets developed as part of the University of Connecticut's Fenton River Study. 3) Hydrograph Transferability: application of statistical techniques developed at UCONN for developing artificial hydrographs based on measurements taken at nearby streams.