Institute: Connecticut
Year Established: 2006 Start Date: 2006-05-01 End Date: 2008-05-01
Total Federal Funds: $73,638 Total Non-Federal Funds: $147,996
Principal Investigators: Jason Vokoun, Melinda Daniels
Project Summary: Title: Development and evaluation of a multi-dimensional spatially and temporally dynamic mesohabitat classification model for stream management and water flow allocation planning in southern New England streams Jason Vokoun (PI) Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut Department of Department of Natural Resources Management and Engineering Storrs, CT 06269 (860) 486-0141, Melinda D. Daniels (CO-PI) Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut Department of Geography Storrs, CT 06269 (860)-486-2117, Abstract: Connecticut needs a regionalized southern New England classification scheme for mesohabitats if it is to defensibly use mesohabitats to determine the effects of flow diversion on stream biota habitat quantity. To address this need, definitions of physically distinct mesohabitats must be created and that the stream biota must show differences in assemblage structure and composition within these mesohabitats to be a meaningful basis for decision making. A physically distinct and biologically meaningful classification of mesohabitats for southern New England would result in the improvement of mesohabitat modeling efforts underway to quantify the effect of flow diversions on habitat quantity for stream biota. Our proposed empirical research would greatly improve the capability of mesohabitat models to contribute to these important management challenges. The proposed research is an integrated empirical field data collection and modeling study that will produce both a biologically meaningful classification of mesohabitats for southern New England streams and a model to predict spatio-temporal changes in these mesohabitats under variable streamflow conditions. The specific objectives of this research are to: 1) Collect hydraulic characterizations of mesohabitat channel units from three streams and use statistical classification to create a scheme of physically distinct mesohabitats based on channel morphology, flow depth and Froude number, and flow variability with stage, 2) Collect macroinvertebrate and fishes (abundance, size classes, and species identity) from mesohabitats and statistically determine biological distinctness among channel units, and 3) Develop a model linking spatio-temporal changes in mesohabitat units with biological community habitat suitability.