Institute: Alaska
Year Established: 2006 Start Date: 2006-03-01 End Date: 2008-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $21,368 Total Non-Federal Funds: $10,150
Principal Investigators: Horacio Toniolo
Project Summary: The past summers in Alaska were characterized by enormous and devastating boreal forest fires. For instance, more than 2 million hectares were affected by fires in the summer of 2004, and 1.55 million hectares during the summer of 2005. The rapid effects of fires on suspended load in streams, and channel development in zones affected by fires or the fire-suppession activities are not well understood or quantified in areas underlain by discontinuous permafrost. The objectives of the proposed research are (1) to provide baseline data on rapid changes in the suspended load of streams in severely and partially burned areas located in watersheds underlain by discontinuous permafrost in Interior Alaska, and (2) to provide quantitative data on changes (soil erosion) in areas affected by firefighters. A pristine watershed unaffected by fires will be used as a control to compare suspended load in this project. Extensive field data collection and surveys and laboratory analysis will be conducted to accomplish these objectives.