Institute: North Dakota
Year Established: 2005 Start Date: 2005-03-01 End Date: 2007-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $16,085 Total Non-Federal Funds: $32,351
Principal Investigators: Malcolm Butler
Project Summary: According to ecological stoichiometric theory, consumer communities may be constrained by the ratios of essential nutrients available in prey resources. Fish communities in lakes may thus reflect the types of foods available, in addition to other environmental constraints. Most fish species are highly dependent on benthic organisms, yet little is known about nutrient composition of benthic invertebrates, in contrast to planktonic prey where such stoichiometric constraints on fishes have been documented. In this study, we will explore variation in the relative amounts of C, N, and P in major benthic invertebrate taxa found in North Dakota and Minnesota lakes. By analyzing data on benthic community composition and stoichiometry, along with envirnonmental characteristics of lakes with known fish commuities, we hope to determine the relative importance of benthos stoichiometry for fisheries management.