Institute: West Virginia
Year Established: 2006 Start Date: 2004-05-01 End Date: 2005-12-20
Total Federal Funds: $13,265 Total Non-Federal Funds: $33,490
Principal Investigators: Stuart Welsh, Donald Gasper
Project Summary: There has been stream chemistry collected for some time, but reviews indicate it is seldom intensive enough. Many questions remain. We would collect spring normal and summer low flows for 2 years from 100 Monongahela National Forest streams. Last fall Trout Unlimited helped the U.S.F.S. collect these same samples and T.U. paid $2,500 for lab fees at the WV University Coal and Energy Lab. The U.S.F.S. does not have money for this. Trout Unlimited will again have some money, and a lot of in-kind hours of coordination and travel to enable the project, and T.U. is requesting this grant. The U.S.F.S. is prepared to manage the grant and expenditures from it. The U.S.F.S. Aquatic Biologist will supervise the analysis of the data and the intern(s) to gather and interpret data. W.V. D.N.R. has stated of W.Va.s trout stream reaches have become barren over the last 50 years due to Acid Rain. They are most infertile and acid in their upstream reaches and in the springtime. Fish loss occurs first in the headwaters and in the springtime. The Native Brook Trout is the most acid tolerant. There are Brook Trout only reaches, reaches reinvaded without reproduction, reproductive reaches, and richer reaches with other species of fish and of course barren reaches. Though 100 streams are sampled, we hope to infer conditions in over 400 reaches. This changes as chemical changes occur in time and space and is related to geology. We will explore visual presentation of this. From firm monthly averages using literature and other data we can infer episodic exposures to toxic aluminum and low pH with low calcium. We can further infer and interpret fish utilization based on the fishs Acid Stress Index and the streams Acid Neutralization Capacity. We will examine calcium supply, cycling and requirement from infertile watersheds for fish habitation, and the concept of trout non-dietary nutrition of dissolved calcium.