Institute: Indiana
Year Established: 2004 Start Date: 2004-03-01 End Date: 2005-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $55,048 Total Non-Federal Funds: $118,382
Principal Investigators: Timothy Filley, Chad Jafvert
Project Summary: The control of short-lived hydrologic events (e.g. snow melt, storms) and land use (e.g. row crop agriculture) on the nature (source, structure) and reactivity (chemical, biological) of allochthonous organic matter (AOM) transferred to streams is poorly understood yet it is of critical importance in understanding a wide range of issues including surface water quality, general aquatic ecosystem function, coastal hypoxia, and even global carbon budgets. The ambiguity concerning the biogeochemical cycling of AOM is a function of many factors including the inherent chemical complexity of aquatic organic matter pools, poor temporal sampling resolution, and a lack of application of sophisticated biogeochemical techniques to the study. It is apparent, however, that the bulk AOM transport from soil and litter reservoirs occurs during short-lived hydrologic pulses. Equally important is the recognition that the magnitude and timing of these events have a substantial control upon the nature (e.g. source, reactivity) and turn over time of the organic matter. Similar controls on quantity, quality and size distributions of AOM have been demonstrated in limited occurrences by land use and soils properties (bulk C/N) within drainage basins. The goal of this investigation is to perform a detailed assessment of how the nature of soil organic matter and the frequency and intensity of hydrologic pulses control the quantity, source, and size distribution of AOM in mid sized and small agricultural water sheds in Central Indiana that ultimately discharge to the main stem of the Wabash River. This study will integrate both laboratory and field components combining a detailed molecular, isotopic and physical fractionation of soils and AOM from streams and tile drains.