Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID 2003ND21B

Hydrological Modeling of the Spatial and Temporal Variation of Prairie Potholes at the Basin Level

Institute: North Dakota
Year Established: 2003 Start Date: 2003-05-15 End Date: 2003-08-15
Total Federal Funds: $4,200 Total Non-Federal Funds: $8,400

Principal Investigators: Phil Gerla, Gregory McCarthy

Project Summary: This Fellowship research proposal forms part of a larger research project funded through NSFs Biocomplexity seed grant to UNDs Department of Biology. As part of their work with host - parasite / pathogen interactions on a spatially heterogeneous and temporally dynamic landscape, our portion focuses on the hydrological modeling of grassland-wetland linkages in natural and human-dominated landscapes. Dr. Brad Rundquist and graduate student Paul Sethre of UNDs Department of Geography are quantifying the dynamics of wetland and open water extent using historical remote sensing imagery. Their results will complement our research component, which will provide a conceptual framework and model that describes the spatial and temporal variation of hydrologic features at Newman's amphibian study site in eastern Nelson County, North Dakota.