Institute: Maine
Year Established: 2003 Start Date: 2003-04-01 End Date: 2005-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $21,148 Total Non-Federal Funds: $89,932
Principal Investigators: Aram Calhoun, Andrew Reeve, David Dail
Project Summary: Forested hillside seeps are windows to subsurface geochemistry and may provide important hydrologic, geochemical, and ecological functions within watersheds. The discharge of oxic groundwater through seeps may create unique edaphic and hydrologic environments within a watershed. The biogeochemical, hydrologic and ecological function of three forested hillside seeps will be quantified. Existing studies in hillside seep function are scant and further study is necessary to adequately assess (1) the role of seeps as sources or sinks for nutrients and transformation of nutrients, (2) the role of seeps in stream hydrology and chemistry, (3) the function of saturated, but oxic soils as compared to typical hydric soils and upland soils, and (4) the ecological role of hillside seeps as hotspots for uncommon plant communities or as wildlife refugia. Identifying connections among hydrology, nutrient dynamics, and the plants and animals they support will contribute substantially to seep management strategies, and wetland functional assessments.