Institute: Kansas
Year Established: 2003 Start Date: 2003-03-01 End Date: 2004-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $20,000 Total Non-Federal Funds: $40,672
Principal Investigators: Margaret Townsend, Gary Clark, David Young
Project Summary: Current issues and developments surrounding the High Plains aquifer necessitate that data and information be made readily available to state agencies, GMDs, researchers, modelers, water users, and the general public. This includes information related to hydrogeologic conditions, water rights, water use, agriculture, socio-economics, energy, environmental issues, and interested agencies. Support for this web-based information dissemination is explicitly expressed in both the FY04 Kansas Water Plan (July 2002) (; p. 28, Water Management section) and the Ogallala Aquifer Technical and Management Advisory Committee report (; p. 14, Appendix A). To provide this service, a broad, collaborative water information network is necessary. The HIPLAIN project is dedicated to providing this service: working with other agencies, organizations, and individuals to provide a complete set of information, references, links, maps, data, and data-analysis tools related to the High Plains aquifer. In Year 1, HIPLAIN developers created a web-site framework with information related to the High Plains aquifer in Kansas. Year 1 focused primarily on site design and locating and providing links to existing sources of information. See developmental site at In Year 2, HIPLAIN will expand and improve the site, incorporating reviews and input from users. Anticipated additions and embellishments include: improved internal search engine; hydrogeologic glossary; additional literature search capabilities; an Ogallala Aquifer Institute (OAI) web site; additional links to the High Plains Aquifer Coalition (HPAC) and the other seven states that use the High Plains aquifer (in close coordination with the Ogallala Aquifer Institute); access to the most up-to-date and newly developed database front ends and data-analysis tools; index of URLs cited; continued search and posting of relevant links; procedures for future data and information dissemination through coordination with the OAI, Groundwater Management Districts (GMDs) and other educational and governmental groups; legal issues concerning water rights, enforcement, and water-management programs. After Year 2 funding, the Kansas Geological Survey will oversee the continued maintenance of the site (see attached Letter of Commitment).