Institute: Arizona
Year Established: 2003 Start Date: 2003-03-01 End Date: 2004-02-29
Total Federal Funds: $12,214 Total Non-Federal Funds: $26,163
Principal Investigators: Martin Karpiscak, David Quanrud, Kevin Lansey, Wendell Ela, Charles Gerba, Robert Arnold
Project Summary: Proposed work will examine the efficacy of constructed wetlands as a polishing technique for removal of estrogenic activity in wastewater effluent and stormwater runoff. The project will provide the following data, information, etc. (i) Site-specific data relevant to the fate of human estrogen and estrogen mimics during effluent polishing operations at the Sweetwater wetlands and Kino wetlands (ii) Data on fate of estrogenic activity as function of wetland detention time (iii) Information leading to consensus regarding use-dependent treatment requirements for water reuse applications. (iv) Site-specific data on fate of estrogenic activity in stormwater during wetland treatment at the Kino wetlands. Results will provide baseline information towards understanding the fate of estrogenic activity during free-water-surface wetland treatment. Project results will provide utilities and government agencies with a basis for rational decisions relative to the need for and design of follow-on investigations in this area of inquiry. It is emphasized that proposed work represents only a first step toward understanding the fate of EDCs during wetland treatment.