Institute: Nebraska
Year Established: 2003 Start Date: 2003-03-01 End Date: 2006-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $60,000 Total Non-Federal Funds: $66,979
Principal Investigators: Steven Ress, Michael Jess
Project Summary: Abstract: As research results supported by USGS and other state and federal agencies become available, it is critically important to inform the public, policy decision-makers, and water resource managers. In addition, federal, state, and private organizations, as well as industry and the general public need readily available information regarding contacts for water resource related questions and additional information, new federal and state policies, educational opportunities through the university, and other water-related issues. Thus, the primary aim of this Information Transfer Plan is to better inform citizens and agency personnel concerning water resource quality and quantity issues of health, economic, and esthetic importance. The specific objectives are to publish a newsletter (Water Current) six times during the year, including an estimated distribution of 3,000 copies, and to produce and publish special educational and informational materials dealing with timely and important water issues throughout the year using high quality graphics and print-quality materials.