Institute: Connecticut
Year Established: 2002 Start Date: 2002-03-01 End Date: 2006-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $43,010 Total Non-Federal Funds: $39,768
Principal Investigators: Glenn Warner, Patricia Bresnahan
Project Summary: There are a number of academic researchers in Connecticut and within the New England region working on water resources problems. The information and techniques being developed by their research is of value and interest to state agencies, the private sector, and the general public. There are three levels of information exchange that need to be addressed in order to ensure that the information gets to the people who need it: * General awareness: members of the academic community need to be aware of the work that has been done or is in progress by researchers outside their immediate circle of peers. People outside of the academic community need to be aware of current and previous work, and to have access to that information. The CT IWR office maintains a small library of reports and publications generated from previous projects. Some, but not all, of this work is available through peer-reviewed publications. In some cases only one remaining paper copy of the original report exists. There is a need to both preserve this information and to disseminate it more widely. * Focused attention on a specific issue: There is often a need to determine the state-of-the-art of knowledge on a specific water resource topic, especially as government agencies attempt to move towards science-based policy. * Focused attention on a specific technique or technology: It is not financially feasible for every academic department dealing with water resources to maintain the staff and equipment necessary to train new professionals in all the latest techniques. As a result, each institution tends to develop one or two unique areas of expertise, limiting the exposure of students to new technology. In the Water Resources Technology Transfer Initiative project, the Connecticut Institute of Water resources will focus on three areas of activity in order to address the problems described above. * Conferences and Workshops: We will plan and develop our first annual water resources conference. This will help disseminate information to a broad audience both within and outside the academic community. The conference will focus on current research activities in the region and results of recently funded IWR projects. Workshops will focus on single issues, and attempt to develop a consensus on the state-of-the-art of a particular topic of concert to water resource professionals or the general public. * Publications: Publications will be generated from the conference and workshops. Additional publications will be developed and distributed that address a particular need. Existing CT IWR publications and reports will be scanned and archived in digital format, ensuring their preservation and allowing for distribution over the web or by CDROM. * Undergraduate Internship Project: The CT IWR will conduct a pilot project to develop a ?clearing house for internships and explore opportunities for a summer exchange program for undergraduate students interested in water resources. These activities will enhance opportunities for students to have an apprenticeship using technology and techniques they might not otherwise be exposed to and will help match available short-term positions in water companies, agencies, non-governmental organizations with qualified students with water resources backgrounds or interests. * Web Site Development: The existing CT IWR web site will be enhanced to provide the public with better access to information on IWR projects, past and present, and additional special interest pages as the need arises.