Institute: Colorado
Year Established: 2002 Start Date: 2002-03-01 End Date: 2003-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $13,638 Total Non-Federal Funds: $27,276
Principal Investigators: John Stednick
Project Summary: Within the state of Colorado and nationally, the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) is the accepted approach to control non-point source pollution. Non-point source pollution usually enters the stream from precipitation or runoff events in a diffuse nature. The runoff event and location of entry into the stream make modeling of nonpoint source pollution and BMP effectiveness difficult. In forested areas, the majority of nonpoint source pollution tends to be sediment or sediment related (Stednick, 2000). Sources of sediment include roads, logging, grazing, off-highway vehicle use, and other recreation. To address this question, this research will use an in-stream sampling scheme that will monitor individual structural BMPs along Trout Creek, near Pikes Peak National Forest in Colorado, and assess cumulative effects within the watershed.