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Graph showing increase in the use of satellite telemetry at USGS
streamgaging stations
Real-time hydrograph, or plot of streamflow vs. time, served on the
World Wide Web
Results of analysis for state and international boundaries
Results of analysis for water budgets
Results of analysis for floodplain population
Results of analysis for NWS Service Locations
Results of analysis for water quality
Results of analysis for long-term changes
Graph showing number of stations with 30 or more years or record
discontinued each year, 1921-1995
Graph showing number of HCDN stations
Diagram showing the distribution of funding for the streamgaging
program in 1998
Graph showing annual distribution of funding for the streamgaging
program, 1974-1998
U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Comments and questions are welcome! Last updated:Monday, 05-Dec-2016 12:53:04 EST