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A Data Input Program (MFI) for the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model
U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-468

Design Goals

The primary goals for MFI are:

1. Ease of use -- This goal is subjective to a large extent. Some of the desired attributes are: the user is guided in a logical manner through the data entry process, checking is done to make sure valid or reasonable data are entered, and help information can be displayed to avoid frequent referral to model documentation.

2. Ability to run on many kinds of computers -- This is an important requirement because USGS modelers use many kinds of computers, and the specific computers being used change frequently.

3. It must be possible to use other programs along with MFI -- Modelers use a variety of computer applications to help manipulate their data. The applications used vary widely depending on the specific situation such as the availability of specific computer software and the source of the data. For example in the USGS, many modelers use Geographic Information System (GIS) software to store and manipulate data. It is important to be able to use data from the GIS along with data entered using MFI.

4. Low development cost -- It would be easy to spend more on the development of a data editing program than was spent developing MODFLOW; however, considerably less resources were available for this effort.

5. Useful for a wide range of modeling problems from simple training exercises to large modeling projects.

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