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Site ID: 84 James River @ 247th Street near Mitchell, SD
File Name Description
247St_DetailExample.doc Detailed summary of the site and data collection during the April, 2001 flood.
Flood_photos.zip Photos taken during April, 2001 flood, description of each photo is documented in 247_Photos.doc Word file
PostFlood_photos.zip Photos taken during October, 2001 low-flow survey, description for each is documented in Post-Flood_Photos.doc Microsoft Word file
247st.jpg Descriptive Digital Ortho Quad image of the bridge site 
Q_Measurement.xls Excel spreadsheet containing AA current meter discharge measurement during April, 2001 flood.
Bathymetry.xls Excel spreadsheet containing cross-sections collected during the April, 2001 flood from the bridge deck
247DS(FullValley).xls Excel spreadsheet containing surveyed data for the exit section used in a HEC-RAS model of the reach.
247US(FullValley).xls Excel spreadsheet containing surveyed data for the approach section used in a HEC-RAS model of the reach
247(ROAD).xls Excel spreadsheet containing surveyed data of the roadway (247th Street).
247st_Hec-Ras.xls Excel spreadsheet summarizing the elev. and stationing for all sections in the HEC-RAS model of the reach.
GrainSizeDist.xls Bed material grain size distribution for the site, determined by analysis of samples collected during post-flood survey.
All(Site84).zip All files listed above
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